Не нашел в стандартной библиотеке микросхемки. Пришлось нарисовать компонент.
Мож кому пригодится.
74HC4066D(TI) или CD74HC4066M96.
4х канальный двунаправленный высокоскоростной переключатель.
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HarryStar писал(а):Не нашел в стандартной библиотеке микросхемки.
WARNING: Most unfortunately, after the whole release process for version 6.0.0 had been finished, it turned out that there is a bug in the polygon handling of the CAM Processor.
If a board contains signal polygons that have their "Orphans" parameter set to "off", and the CAM Processor is used to generate production data with the "pos. Coord" (positive coordinates) option turned on, and if this actually leads to an offset in the CAM data, it can happen that parts of the signal polygons are not drawn, even though they are not orphans, and vice versa.
This may lead to missing electrical connections or copper in places where this is not intended.
As an immediate workaround you can turn the "pos. Coord" option off.
We are working on a solution for this and will release a fixed version as soon as possible.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Vit@ly писал(а):Подскажите пожалуйста, как уменьшить высоту текста, чтобы он на схемах
смотрелся аккуратнее?
Подозреваю, что более правильным решением было бы разнести элементы схемы
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