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Duhas писал(а):по крайнем мере пока оси работают согласованно..
Koren proposed Cross Coupling Control [32]. This method switched the focus of controllers from maintaining each axis at its target position, to minimizing path error. This is established by building a contour error model in real time, based on the feedback information from all axes as well as the interpolator. To find an optimal compensating law, and then to feed back correction signals to the individual axes. The difficulty with this method is in determining the point on the target path nearest to the plant's position. This is accomplished by using various closed-form solutions, specific to the type of path being followed. This fails where two path segments meet, or for an arbitrary path. Shih, Chen and Lee propose a new cross coupling control strategy with a simpler design process [33].
Another method is Optimal Control. Optimal controllers create a command sequence, which optimizes system performance. Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) can be taken as a special case of optimal control [34]. The basic idea behind is to make plant's predicted output coincide with a set point or desired known trajectory. Basic GPC method assumes a linear plant model. As a result, it cannot address issues such as backlash and asymmetric performance. Neither this method considers command saturation issues in its basic form.
Another control method is Adaptive Control. This method is usually used in
adapting the cutting feed and speed to the variation in the cutting process in a typical machine tool. Smith, Annasway and Slocum evaluate adaptive PID and adaptive phase lead compensators for precision machine tool axis control [36]. Singhose [37] showed that input shaping can be used in order to ecrease affect of vibrations in machine tools.
Michael_K писал(а):Я не очень понимаю, о чем вы...
Один из подходов в лоб - такой: для следующей точки нужно в уставках задать не только координаты, но и скорость. То есть мотор должен отработать так, чтобы не просто подъехать к следующей позиции, но сделать это с заданной скоростью.
boez писал(а):И регулятор скорости не превысит заданную скорость просто потому, что регулятор позиции не будет от него требовать скорости выше заданной.
boez писал(а):Тут уже пробегало более правильное решение. Нужно изначально синтезировать траекторию движения вместе со скоростью.
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