Препод из Беркли дает совет студенту как от курса по ИИ перейти к решению реальных задач робототехники:
In terms of getting some hands-on experience, working through ROS tutorials on the topics relevant to your particular problem are a great starting point. As robots tend to operate in continuous state space (rather than discrete), unless you find software packages that do out of the box what you need, you'll need along the way to familiarize yourself with how planning works out in continuous state spaces. Beyond planning, to deal with sensing, a good starting point is to self-study the second half of this course through the archived materials, to which you can request access here: <link>. Again, you'll then have to go beyond the discrete state space setting (which is the one we cover since it tends to be the easiest one to build the main intuitions), and upgrade your understanding to the continuous setting.
My graduate course CS287 Advanced Robotics covers most of the topics necessary to go from the 188 concepts to real robotic applications. The website is here:
http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~pabbeel/cs287-fa13/. The graduate course is also a good starting point to explore the state of the art in general. Be forewarned though that the graduate course expects a certain mathematical background, as listed on the webpage (which includes pointers as to how to self-study for some of that background).
I wouldn't say continuous state spaces is a pre-req, but
being somewhat familiar with linear algebra, continuous optimization, and continuous probability (e.g., multi-variate Gaussians) will be critical (or would otherwise reading background materials as you go along).
For a deeper dive in the relevant background topics, in terms of most readily available materials, I'd recommend to self-study:
Stanford's EE263 by Boyd, Stanford's CS229 by Ng, Stanford's EE364a by Boyd. Lectures are available on YouTube, homework assignments / slides / lecture notes are available on the course homepage. If you know the complete CS188 and all of these materials, you'll be very ready for CS287. Once you also know CS287 you'll pretty much be able to take on any problem in robotics. Note that CS229 has a highly simplified version available as a MOOC on coursera, might be worthwhile as a warm-up before studying the actual on campus course materials.