Уважаемые знатоки, простите за серость, но у меня не получается с генерировать(в keygen) код для установки, запуска CVAVR
Как это сделать?
Не сочтите за обиду
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Ну ты вааааще ... в чем же тут обида то ?Oodin писал(а): Не сочтите за обиду
очевидно пароль ввести, как это делали все кто испрользует эти компилеры.Oodin писал(а):Дык и что же делать?
Oodin писал(а):Например?
blindman писал(а):Использовать инструменты, доступные бесплатно без всяких кряков.
blindman писал(а):WinAVR, что то же самое
1. If you have had previously installed version of CVAVR then go to system directory %system% (c:\windows or c:\winnt etc) and delete cvavr.ini. You must also delete any old installation directory prior to a new installation.
2. Install Codevision AVR 1.24.6 (probably future versions also)
3. Move Code Templates directory from the Crack directory to the installation directory of CVAVR and overwrite the original empty one. This step only ensures that newly installed CVAVR won't bother you with warning about missing templates.
4. Start the program and write down serial number it will offer.
5. Select Cancel and close the program.
6. Go to system directory %system% (c:\windows or c:\winnt etc) and delete cvavr.ini
7. Now go to the Crack directory and use Makelic.exe to make Valid license (use the serial that you wrote down in step 2. to be imported to cracked Cvavr.exe.
8. Now start the cracked cvavr.exe in Crack directory and when asked for a license file load license.dat that Makelic.exe generated. The program will aknowledge valid license and start as Standard.
9. Now you have to export the license that original Cvavr (non-cracked) could use. Go to Help and choose Export option. The program will ask you the serial number of computer on which the license will be used. Simply use serial number you wrote down in step 2 and export license. You could also use this export procedure to export license to other computer with installed Cvavr but you have to know it's serial number. The procedure will warn you that you're about to disable license for your computer- simply ignore this warning and click OK.
10. OK- it's time to start the original non-cracked Cvavr in the installation directory and when asked import the license you saved in step 7.
11. Enjoy!
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