Собрал электронику (опишу позже постом отдельным) теперь встал вопрос прошивки.
там для RAMPS есть аж 4 варианта, причем похоже каждую нужно напильником дорабатывать.
Что порекомендуете ?
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roboforum.ruТехнический форум по робототехнике. |
Preferred: (Need pins set in firmware as below)
https://github.com/tesla893/Tonokip-Firmware - Tesla893's Tonokip-Firmware fork, works w/ RepSnapper and Skeinforge - Added Features over original Tonokip but not as up to date as Klimentkip
https://github.com/kliment/Sprinter - Kliment's Tonokip-Firmware Fork with Acceleration, PID, SD support, and other goodies - Updated frequently, with many active developers/hackers/users. Note he also has an older version at https://github.com/kliment/Klimentkip
Others (Need pins set in Firmware as below):
https://github.com/johnnyr/Tonokip-Firmware works excellently with RepSnapper and Skeinforge - Not as current
https://github.com/ramps/FiveD_for_RAMP ... nterpreter for use with Host Software or ReplicatorG or RepSnapper
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