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GIGOLAS писал(а):А если сделать TSOP поворотный с энкодеом разве не будет проше опредилять растояние и избавимся от лишних TSOPпов ?
Типа РЛС обстреляли точку повернулись и так далее и зделать узко направленым ?
IR demodulators usually have an IR filter around 38500 Hz!!!
From my experience these demodulators will work with an up to 45000 Hz signal!!! But the higher the frequency is the shorter the wave lenght will be!!! Cause TSOP1730 are quit sensitive and also the IR Leds quite powerfull I used a frequence round 42000 Hz!!! With this settings It can detect objects up to 25cm away!!! if the frequency is turned to 38500 Hz it will detect object up to 1m!!!
And here is a chart with the frequences and the distances
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