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Убираем по причине того, что коммерческий продукт:
ERSP - A commercial robot software system by Evolution Robotics.
Webots - A commercial robot simulation package that allows physically realistic simulations and allows you to prototype your own robot. It also comes with a broad palette of predesigned robot models, e.g. Aibo, e-puck, khepera, hoap2, hemisson, pioneer, etc.
roboDNA - RoboDNA researches Dashboard technologies used to operate robots from a PC, including a free version for the Lego NXT.
Убираем по причине узкой специализации:
Programblue - A growing project of 80's fans from the showbiz pizza era creating custom shows on their robot bands in their garages. See how music can be enjoyed visually through these robots using programblue software.
RoboMind - Educational software to learn the basics of robotics and programming.
Skilligent - a commercial control system for autonomous service robots. The control system enables creation of robots which can be trained by end users - vs. programmed by a software engineer.
ARIA robot API libraries Source available under GNU; compatible with pioneers, peoplebot, seekur, amigobot, powerbot and other robots; programmable with Java, C++, Python under WIN/Linux.
CLARAty - Coupled-Layer Architecture for Robotic Autonomy. It is a collaborative effort among four institutions: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Ames Research Center, Carnegie Mellon, and the University of Minnesota.
Dave's Robotic Operating System (DROS) Free Software for the robotics researcher or hobbyist.
Experimental Robotics Framework - A software for making experiments with multiple robots in 3d, with support for the latest technologies, that sits on top of Player/Stage and Open/CV.
MARIE - Mobile and Autonomous Robotics Integration Environment - is a Free Software using a component-based approach to build robotics software systems by integrating previously-existing and new software components.
Microsoft Robotics Studio - Uses a component based approach. Each component is a service. Services are orchestrated through a concurrency library called the CCR. Current version (1.5) includes a Microsoft XNA-Framework based simulator with physics simulation and a Visual Programming Language.
MobileSIM, built on the Stage simulator platform. MobileSim provides access to simulated robots and their environment with ARIA programs.
The Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) - An open-source set of C++ libraries and applications which cover grabbing, visualizing and manipulating datasets, particle filter and Kalman filter-based SLAM, linear algebra, robotics sensors and MATLAB-like plot rendering.
OpenJAUS - An open-source component based approach that uses standarized messages and transport methods to create interoperable robotic systems.
Orca - an open-source framework for developing component-based robotic systems. It provides the means for defining and developing the building-blocks which can be pieced together to form arbitrarily complex robotic systems, from single vehicles to distributed sensor networks. Inter-component communication is implemented using Ice middleware.
Orchestra Control Engine - A suite of software components (based on Linux/RTAI) for realtime industrial robots and machines control.
OROCOS - the Open Robot Control Software project provides a Free Software toolkit for realtime robot arm and machine tool control.
Player/Stage Project - A very popular Free Software robot interface and simulation system, used for robotics research and teaching worldwide.
Pyro, Python Robotics - Popular robotics Free Software used in universities and colleges. Easy to use, yet powerful, allows students and researchers to write high-level programs to explore Artificial Intelligence and robotics without worrying about low-level details.
Robot Intelligence Kernel
URBI - Universal Real-time Behavior Interface from Gostai.