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Робот мойщик окон Ecovacs W950

Re: Робот мойщик окон Ecovacs W950

Сообщение nen777w » 14 дек 2020, 15:04

Myp писал(а):единственный минус, не для стеклопакетов.

Ну это как раз мой case :-)

Дополняю тему дальше...
Нашел механическое устройство датчика определения углов. Там не шарик, а все еще проще:

Вышел на человека который выложил видое с разборкой W950-й модели. К сожалению исходное видео он уже давно потёр.
Но если у него будет еще один такой на разборке, то он запечетлит все как нужно.

Продолжаю искать подобную информацию, но создается ощущения что W950-й не ломается. :-) Никто, в ремонтах, их не встречал.
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 24 фев 2020, 22:51

Re: Робот мойщик окон Ecovacs W950

Сообщение nen777w » 29 янв 2021, 13:30

Пришел оригинальный мотор от Winbot W950.
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 24 фев 2020, 22:51

Re: Робот мойщик окон Ecovacs W950

Сообщение Dmitry__ » 29 янв 2021, 14:47

Это бесколлекторныя мотор? 3 провода...
Или это коллекторник с датчиком оборотов?
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Re: Робот мойщик окон Ecovacs W950

Сообщение Myp » 30 янв 2021, 16:24

или бесколлекторник с встроенным драйвером и сигналом управления
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Re: Робот мойщик окон Ecovacs W950

Сообщение nen777w » 02 фев 2021, 12:16

Dmitry__ писал(а):Это бесколлекторныя мотор? 3 провода...
Или это коллекторник с датчиком оборотов?

Да это Brush Less DC мотор, там уже 3 датчика хола на борту. Один провод (красный) для ШИМ-а, (черный) земля, (синий) +24.
А может и наоборот (синий) это - ШИМ а (красный) - +24. Этой информацией я пока не обладаю.

Вот спека:

К этому времени я его еще не успел запустить.
Занялся переделкой 3D принтера, но уже на финишной прямой.

Потом хочу засесть за рисование в F360 модели корпуса.
В идиале было бы хорошо найти все таки видео разборки W950-го, что бы прояснить для себя устройства его некоторых механических частей.
К сожалению моему новому знакомуму с iNeedParts у которого я обнаружил такое видео (которое я выкладывал выше), больше W950-й на разборку не попадался.
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 24 фев 2020, 22:51

Re: Робот мойщик окон Ecovacs W950

Сообщение horizons » 21 мар 2021, 00:03

hi nen777w i saw your message in the german roboter forum.
The link was removed but i found the forum myself through google after sending your a personal message.

I hope its ok that i write in englisch (i guess you used google translate to answer me therefore i think its better to write in english as you may not understand german, which i am)

So i have a winbot 950 and i could give you any information you need.
i already taken the bot appart to find what is causing my error.

I bought my bot cheap from ebay for 53,45 including postal service.
It was a not tested returned product.
It looks almost as new, no dust, no scratches nothing. Just some missing parts: no suction cup which is when the suction fails and no cleaning supplies.
Rest was included.
The ebay merchant sells more of those (also the wireless x version) ... t&_sacat=0

I guess is far more cheaper to buy such a bot and do modifications there as buying all that stuff from china.
Don't know where you from but maybe they also ship worldwide.

As i also written in the german robot forum by w950 has arrived and i tested it.
The first window worked flawlessly. But after i had put it on the 2nd window it only does a left circle when started until it has a 2/3 turn and points down. Then an error occurs it beeps and it stops.
In the manual mode i can use it manually with the remote control.

I also thought that it is an issue with one of the micro switches which are 2 inside in the circle.
But i checked both and they are working correctly.
I also exchanged them with one another to see if the robot now turns right. Which isn't the case. it still turns left until the error.

So i am currently thinking that either the sensors at the 4 corners or some interal sensor (maybe attitude sensor?) has some issue. Which does then result in the turning until the error occurs.

i have found this videos which is showing the 950

and another video of an older model

here you can see every part of a 920 ... 3173454424

here an exploded view of the 950

i could make you photos/videos of the bot/parts if you are interested.

Maybe you could help me to repair mine. I don't have that knowledge about electronics, so e.g. i don't know how i could test the corner sensors.
Saidly the bot doesn't run if something isn't connected or case open.

looking forward to hear from you.
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 20 мар 2021, 23:41

Re: Робот мойщик окон Ecovacs W950

Сообщение nen777w » 21 мар 2021, 17:19

Пока рисую корпус и прочую механику в Fusion 360 решил испытать двигатель который мне прислал китаец.
Нашел у себя какой то PWM , который способен выдать максимум 18Khz и подключил через него движок.

На холостом ходу (если не закрывать всасывающее отверстие). Он при 24v потребляет 2A:

Если же отверстие закрыть то ток падает до 0.8A:

Ну и всасывание какое то слабенькое, как мне показалось. Ставил движок отверстием вниз, на мобильный телефон который весит 250 грам, и он его не поднимает :-(
Не очень понимаю как этот движок удерживает робота который вроде как весит 2.3Kg ?

В характеристиках мотора написано что Maximum PWM 20-30kHz может быть стоит попробовать увеличить частоту.
Попробую собрать PWM генератор на какой нибудь Arduino и посмотреть что получится.
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 24 фев 2020, 22:51

Re: Робот мойщик окон Ecovacs W950

Сообщение nen777w » 23 мар 2021, 23:07

horizons писал(а):hi nen777w i saw your message in the german roboter forum.
The link was removed but i found the forum myself through google after sending your a personal message.

Hi Horizons!
Glad to see you here! :-)

Yes, probably you are right!
I visited and found that broken robot sold start from 1EUR, it's a very chip, even if the seller will set the price 10EUR.
I will think about it that way, but I live in Odesa, Ukraine so the price for delivery also should be included in the final price :-)

Regarding your problem with a robot, As far I know it has the following sensors:

1) internal micro switches - the detect bumping with a windows frame.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the internal part of the robot has the possibility to slide inside the robot and press these switches.

2) Four corner optical sensors for detecting frameless surfaces.

3) The pressure sensors (like that: ... 4c4drxukAk)
for detecting the power of the suction.
I suppose it also uses as feedback, for the regulate the power of the motor.

As far I know it does not have any special sensors like a 3D sensor, accelerometer, and so on.
But it will very interesting to see its motherboard, probably something interesting may be found on that.

If I wanted to deal with the strangeness of his behavior, I would start from all sensors, step by step.
But regarding sensor (3), I would check all rubber gaskets inside the robot body, probably some of them do not fit snugly, and when the robot makes rotations "depressurization" occurs.

If you will again disassembly your robot any pieces of information, photos, videos will be VERY useful!
If you can send it directly on my e-mail:
or upload on my FTP: (you can open this link in your Windows Explorer and copy files to there).

And thank you for the "explode scheme" I see this document the first time and it helps to understand some construction elements.

Keep in touch!
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 24 фев 2020, 22:51

Re: Робот мойщик окон Ecovacs W950

Сообщение horizons » 27 мар 2021, 19:24

Hi nen777w
as i have written i already switched the internal microswitches with each other which are the endpoints of the turning in either direction. So in my opinion if the issue should be fixed if the switch isn't working.

The bot tries to get into the correct position when it is started. So it turns the head until the left switch is clicked. then the bot knows that he should be straight up the window.
I don't know is there is a position sensor somewhere internally.

The outer bounds (4 corner) switches are only to check if an edge of the robot hangs into the air e.g. a window without an rim, garden roof etc.

The case itself can be moved a little bit in the four directions. So the case is some kind of Bumper itself. Iside there are as far as i remember correctly 4 switches in each side.
This is only for to check if the borders of the window are reached (the window brim).

My problem isn't the suction. The bot works completly normal in the manual mode.
It just don't work in the auto mode.

I will look into when i have time to unscrew the bot again to make pictures and maybe also a video.

I am currently also thinking about buying a second one just for having some parts to replace.
But i first have to check if the device is usefull for my garden roof (thats why i bought it).
The weather conditions and the time wasn't yet enough to test the device for its purpose i have bought it.
My wife would also think i am crazy if i buy a second one which doesn't work :P

But i promise i will upload something "someday" ... :)
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 20 мар 2021, 23:41


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