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- Код: Выделить всё • Развернуть
Error: 344 Line: 99 Program will overwrite [ 82 too long ] , in file : C:\ds18b20
- Код: Выделить всё • Развернуть
$regfile = "attiny2313.dat"
$crystal = 8000000
Declare Sub Convallt ' !!!!!! Convert T on ALL sensors
Declare Function Decigrades(byval Sc(9) As Byte) As Integer
Config Lcd = 16 * 2 ' дисплей 2 строки по 16 символов
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portb.4 , Db5 = Portb.5 , Db6 = Portb.6 , Db7 = Portb.7 , E = Portb.2 , Rs = Portb.0 ' конфигурируем дисплей
Config 1wire = Portd.1 ' на эту ножку подключим DS18B20 и подтягивающий резистор на 4,7 ком к + питания
'Temp variables
Dim B As Byte
Dim W As Word
Dim Dg As Integer 'DECIgrades, I call it, cause I have no space for commas on the display....
Dim Dsid1(8) As Byte 'Dallas ID 64 bits incl CRC
'When used like this : DsId(1) = 1wread(8)
'DsId(1) = family code 'Ds1820 10h, DS18B20 28h, Ds18s20 10h
'DsId(2) '48 Bits Serial, LSB
'DsId(7) '48 Bits Serial, MSB
'DsId(8) '8 CRC
Dim Sc(9) As Byte 'Scratchpad 0-8 72 bits incl CRC, explanations for DS18b20
'Sc(1) 'Temperature LSB
'Sc(2) 'Temperature MSB
'Sc(3) 'TH/user byte 1 also SRAM
'Sc(4) 'TL/user byte 2 also SRAM
'Sc(5) 'config also SRAM x R1 R0 1 1 1 1 1 - the r1 r0 are config for resolution - write FF to byte for 12 bit - others dont care
'Sc(6) 'res
'Sc(7) 'res
'Sc(8) 'res
'Sc(9) '8 CRC
'DALLAS DS18B20 ROM and scratchpad commands''''''''''''''''''''''''''1wwrite....
'&H 33 read rom - single sensor
'&H 55 match rom, followed by 64 bits
'&H CC skip rom
'&H EC alarm search - ongoining alarm >TH <TL
'&H BE read scratchpad
'&H 44 convert T
W = 1wirecount()
Dsid1(1) = 1wsearchfirst()
' First sensor identified and stored in variable
If Dsid1(8) = Crc8(dsid1(1) , 7) Then ' Control that the received CRC match the calculated
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd "CRC OK Sensor 1 ID"
Wait 1
Locate 2 , 1
For B = 1 To 8
Lcd Hex(dsid1(b))
End If
Wait 1
' Main loop
Convallt ' "Convert ALL T on the 1w-bus"
Waitms 750
1wverify Dsid1(1) 'Issues the "Match ROM "
Locate 1 , 1
1wwrite &HBE
Sc(1) = 1wread(9) 'read bytes into array
If Sc(9) = Crc8(sc(1) , 8) Then
Dg = Decigrades(sc(9))
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd Dg
End If
End 'end program
'Makes the Dallas "Convert T" command on the 1w-bus configured in "Config 1wire = Portb. "
'WAIT 200-750 ms after issued, internal conversion time for the sensor''''''''''
'SKIPS ROM - so it makes the conversion on ALL sensors on the bus simultaniously
'When leaving this sub, NO sensor is selected, but ALL sensors has the actual
'temperature in their scratchpad ( within 750 ms )
Sub Convallt
1wreset ' reset the bus
1wwrite &HCC ' skip rom
1wwrite &H44 ' Convert T
End Sub
'Makes a integer value of the first two bytes in scratchpad'''''''''''''
'Works on DS18 B 20 , observe "B". The R0 and R1 in Sc(5) tells you how many bits are accurate
Function Decigrades(byval Sc(9) As Byte)
Decigrades = 0
Decigrades = Makeint(sc(1) , Sc(2))
Decigrades = Decigrades * 10
Decigrades = Decigrades / 16
End Functionh