Технический форум по робототехнике.

Компиляторы mikroPascal, mikroC, mikroBasic » 23 авг 2007, 09:37

Кто лекарство смог скачать - прицепите тут или в личку киньте линк на   - всего 9 кб а не качается.

LinXP » 23 авг 2007, 18:14 писал(а):Кто лекарство смог скачать - прицепите тут или в личку киньте линк на   - всего 9 кб а не качается.

Приатачил, смотри выше.. » 23 авг 2007, 18:23

Огромнейшее спасибо за труд !   :lol:

Может найдешь время подлечить симулятор ракет ? -  (дема 26 Мб) - очень подсобишь ракетчикам -

LinXP » 26 авг 2007, 05:27

..теперь весь крякнутый софт mikroElektronika, можно найти по одной ссылке..


LinXP » 26 авг 2007, 17:48 писал(а):Может найдешь время подлечить симулятор ракет ? -  (дема 26 Мб) - очень подсобишь ракетчикам -

Ты побывал скачивать эту дему?? уже четвёртый день идет как я пытаюсь её скачать... угробил кучу платного трафика...

качал по этим ссылкам.. ... ...

Все файлы битые получаются... » 26 авг 2007, 18:17

Я вторую щас закачал - нормальный архив. Все работает.

SSG » 27 авг 2007, 16:11

А кто-нибудь пользовал микропаскаль для АВР? И как код получается, больше СИ-шного? И еще интересно с VMlab его удобно использовать? » 27 авг 2007, 17:29

SSG писал(а):интересно с VMlab его удобно использовать?

Если он .cof делает то удобно.

SSG » 28 авг 2007, 15:23

2 avr
Про то и вопрос.  :) Вчерась не удержался - скачал, вроде не делает, и на первый взгляд нигде в настройках не нашел.  :(

LinXP » 03 сен 2007, 04:23

mikroC for dsPIC v4.0.0.0 + Crack (by LinXP)

Release Changes

v. (release, 2007-06-25)
- mikroICD support added:
All PIC24FJ, PIC24HJ, dsPIC33FJ, dsPIC30F family MCUs, except
dsPIC30F1010, dsPIC30F2020, dsPIC30F2022, dsPIC30F2023.
- Improved software simulator
- Revised and improved MMC and Compact Flash libraries.
Added FAT16 formating routine. Added support for partitioned MMC/CF cards.
We strongly advise consulting mikroC help file for implemented changes
(especially for mmc/cf_fat_assing and mmc/cf_create_swap_file routines).
- Added library support for dsPIC30F1010 and dsPIC30F202x ADC module
- Added library support for pic24 and dsPIC33 Enhanced CAN module.
- Improved Sound, Keypad, T6963C, RS485, Soft_Spi, Soft_I2c, Soft_Uart,
Glcd and UART (implemented user selectable high/low speed calculations) libraries.
Consult help file for implemented changes.
- All reported and newly discovered bugs fixed including:
Stack leakage in the SPI, I2C UART and all those libraries that are
associated with them.
PS/2 library improved (Extended Keys issue)
Advanced SPI Ethernet IP address setting issue
Atof routine issue
RAM miscalculation issue
Code generator problems related to byte oprations
PWRSAV hex generation problem
- Reduced usage of RW pin in all lcd libraries. Consult help file for possibilities
of this pin reusage in user code.
- Added missing configuration words and default settings for all MCUs.
- Filter Designer Tool reported bugs fixed.
- New programmers with mikroICD support included in the release.
- Fully revised and reorganized help file. Detailed explanation of library prototipes
and examples of their usage. MikroICD section added. Revised schematics.
Updated language reference and mikroC specifics. An effort was made to make help more
readable, user friendly and less confusing.
- Revised already existing examples (additional DSP, advanced spi ethernet and timer1 interrupt examples included)
- Added examples for dsPICPRO3 and EasydsPIC4 boards.
- Minor IDE enhacments and fixes

LinXP » 03 сен 2007, 06:59

mikroPascal for dsPIC v6.0.0.0 + Crack (by LinXP)


v. (2007-08-09)
- mikroICD support added:
All PIC24FJ, PIC24HJ, dsPIC33FJ, dsPIC30F family MCUs, except
dsPIC30F1010, dsPIC30F2020, dsPIC30F2022, dsPIC30F2023.
- New type introduced: DWORD (32-bit unsigned)
- Improved software simulator
- Revised and improved MMC and Compact Flash libraries.
Added FAT16 formating routine. Added support for partitioned MMC/CF cards.
Revised SPI module switching mechanism.
We strongly advise consulting mikroPascal help file for implemented changes
(expecially for MMC/CF_Fat_Assign and MMC/Cf_Create_Swap_File routines).
- Added library support for dsPIC30F1010 and dsPIC30F202x ADC module.
- Added library support for PIC24 and dsPIC33 Enhanced CAN module.
- Improved Sound, Keypad, T6963C, RS485, Soft_Spi, Soft_I2c, Soft_Uart,
GLCD and UART (implemented user selectable high/low speed calculations) libraries.
Consult help file for implemented changes.
- SpiX and UartX libraries integrated with Spi and Uart libraries, respectively.
Consult help file for implemented changes.
- All reported and newly discovered bugs fixed including:
PS/2 library (Extended Keys issue)
Advanced SPI Ethernet IP address setting issue
RAM miscalculation issue
Code generator problems related to byte operations
PWRSAV hex generation problem
Bugs in StrToWord and StrToInt
- Reduced usage of RW pin in all LCD libraries. Consult help file for possibilities
of this pin re-usage in user code.
- Filter Designer Tool reported bugs fixed.
- Searching regular expressions fixed
- New programmers with mikroICD support included in the release.
- Fully revised and reorganized help file. Detailed explanation of library prototypes
and examples of their usage. MikroICD section added. Revised schematics.
Updated language reference and mikroPascal specifics. An effort was made to make help more
readable, user friendly and less confusing.
- Revised already existing examples (additional DSP, advanced spi ethernet and timer1 interrupt examples included)
- Added examples for dsPICPRO3 and EasydsPIC4 boards.
- New tool: LCD Custom Character
- Minor IDE enhancements and fixes

defecator » 24 сен 2007, 10:45

2 LinXP:

Здорово ты поработал, спасибо !
А можешь поломать E-Lab Pascal ? Очень надо, у меня есть поломанная, но она старая :-(

Если интересно, могу рассказать, как ломать файлы от нее - *.PCU.
Внутри файлов - самые настоящие исходники, это некомпиленые файлы.

LinXP » 02 окт 2007, 01:54

mikroPascal v7.0.0 + Crack
v. (2007-09-25)
- New PICs supported:
P12F609 P18F1230 P18F63J11 P18F67J50 P18F86J55
P12F615 P18F1330 P18F63J90 P18F67J60 P18F86J60
P12HV609 P18F2458 P18F64J11 P18F83J11 P18F87J11
P12HV615 P18F24K20 P18F64J90 P18F83J90 P18F87J50
P16F610 P18F2553 P18F65J11 P18F84J11 P18F87J60
P16F616 P18F25K20 P18F65J50 P18F84J90 P18F96J60
P16F631 P18F2682 P18F65J90 P18F85J11 P18F96J65
P16F677 P18F2685 P18F66J11 P18F85J50 P18F97J60
P16F882 P18F26K20 P18F66J50 P18F85J90 P18F4685
P16HV610 P18F4458 P18F66J55 P18F86J11 P18F2450
P16HV616 P18F44K20 P18F66J60 P18F86J16 P18F4450
P16HV785 P18F46K20 P18F67J11 P18F86J50
- Introduced Disassembly debugger
- Introduced DWord type (unsigned 32 bit)
- Added predefined flag for chip family name (for example {$IFDEF P18})
- Fixed predefined flag (chip name) for compiler directives
- Support for Low and High priority interrupts (for P18)
- Added org directive for constant arrays
- Added option to set address of library routines (SetOrg)
- ADC library for P16F88x devices
- Libraries updated: LCD (RW pin not used anymore), PS2, keypad4x4, RS485, PortExpander, Manchester, MMC, CF and Flash memory
- Option to control interrupt context saving
- Added interrupt priority control (p18 only)
- Added Jump To low interrupt (in simulator)
- Added time stamp information in messages window
- Fixed issues with bootloader (source provided)
- Fixed initialization for multidimensional array of float for P16
- Function's name now can be used as a return value of the function
- Added GetDateTime function
- Added mikroElektronika's development systems based lcd/glcd initialization routines as autocomplete templates

xerox2 » 02 окт 2007, 08:07

LinXP на надо регится, не получается , не видна картинка антибот. А при попытке сообщить это админу спросили ввести опять этот код :)
Где еще можно скачать?

LinXP » 06 окт 2007, 02:18

mikroBasic v6.0.0.0 + Crack
Release Notes
v. (2007-10-04)
- New PICs supported:
P12F609 P18F1230 P18F63J11 P18F67J50 P18F86J55
P12F615 P18F1330 P18F63J90 P18F67J60 P18F86J60
P12HV609 P18F2458 P18F64J11 P18F83J11 P18F87J11
P12HV615 P18F24K20 P18F64J90 P18F83J90 P18F87J50
P16F610 P18F2553 P18F65J11 P18F84J11 P18F87J60
P16F616 P18F25K20 P18F65J50 P18F84J90 P18F96J60
P16F631 P18F2682 P18F65J90 P18F85J11 P18F96J65
P16F677 P18F2685 P18F66J11 P18F85J50 P18F97J60
P16F882 P18F26K20 P18F66J50 P18F85J90 P18F4685
P16HV610 P18F4458 P18F66J55 P18F86J11 P18F2450
P16HV616 P18F44K20 P18F66J60 P18F86J16 P18F4450
P16HV785 P18F46K20 P18F67J11 P18F86J50
- Introduced Disassembly debugger
- Introduced DWord type (unsigned 32 bit)
- Added predefined flag for chip family name (for example #IFDEF P18)
- Fixed predefined flag (chip name) for compiler directives
- Support for Low and High priority interrupts (for P18)
- Added org directive for constant arrays
- Added option to set address of library routines (SetOrg)
- ADC library for P16F88x devices
- Libraries updated: LCD (RW pin not used anymore), PS2, keypad4x4, RS485, PortExpander, Manchester, MMC, CF and Flash memory
- Option to control interrupt context saving
- Added interrupt priority control (p18 only)
- Added Jump To low interrupt (in simulator)
- Added time stamp information in messages window
- Fixed issues with bootloader (source provided)
- Fixed initialization for multidimensional array of float for P16
- Function's name now can be used as a return value of the function
- Added GetDateTime function
- Added mikroElektronika's development systems based lcd/glcd initialization routines as autocomplete templates

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