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// EEPROM access example
// CodeVisionAVR C Compiler
// (C) 2000-2002 HP InfoTech S.R.L.
// www.hpinfotech.ro
// Chip: AT90S2313
// Memory Model: TINY
// Data Stack Size: 64 bytes
flash char f[]="This is a test";
#pragma warn-
eeprom char e[16];
#pragma warn+
char r[16];
void main (void)
char flash *ptr_to_flash;
char eeprom *ptr_to_eeprom;
char *ptr_to_ram;
// copy the string f from FLASH to
// the string e in EEPROM
while (*ptr_to_flash)
// copy the string e from EEPROM to
// the string r in RAM
while (*ptr_to_eeprom)
// stop here
while (1);
eeprom char e[16];
eeprom int x;
eeprom int y=10;
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