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https://sites.google.com/site/repraplog ... our-reprapВнизу написано следующее:
Q. Why does my extruder skips steps whenever I am trying to print?
A.Issues to check
Is your stepper controller getting hot? If it overheats you will get skips durring extrusion
If using a geared stepper, does the 2 gears mesh exactly the same across the full rotation of your larger gear? If you have a part that has higher resistance your gear might not be perfectly round / have a defect. Try to use a hand file to clean up the gear meshing, or move the stepper motor gear further from the driven gear to allow more room for the defects.
Is your thermal barrier getting hot? If your thermal barrier gets to hot it can cause increased resistance to motion by your cold end. You might need to put a fan on your thermal barrier.
Your nozzle might have trash in it. If all else fails remove your hot end and clean out all the plastic. Most hot ends this can be done with a blow torch, but some are too fragile for this and you must use a long acetone dip.
Did you overheat the nozzle when printin PLA? PLA decomposes into a crystaline solid when overheated. This cannot be dissolved in acetone so if you block your nozzle like this, the only option is to mechanically remove the blockage.
If you are using old wades extruder then check that you are using right small pully and not using smaller t5 pulley. I did that mistake in past and seen someone doing it.
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