Не пойму под windows & linux Repetier есть версии 0.90 а под mac 0.56. В версии под мак чем то менее функционально нежели win&lin ? Почему такая разница в версиях не пойму
P.S. думаю уважаемый Setar должен знать ))
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roboforum.ruТехнический форум по робототехнике. |
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Paradox писал(а):Я вообще сейчас не рассматриваю никакие принтеры, кроме Riplicator 2, из-за их непредскажуемого поведения и жду выход новых моделей, которые больше подходят под мои нужды.
Paradox писал(а):На ebay на днях я видел чувак из америки продавал новые Cube по 1000$ с бесплатной доставкой. Их было 3 и все быстро разобрали.
efimova-87 писал(а):
Опять же слухи )) Рассказывали ребята, которые продают Picaso, будто бы практически нереально ввезти в Россию из за границы даже 1 3D принтер для собственного использования. Говорят, что их отжимают на таможне (типа на продажу, а не для себя) Я не уверена, что это правда. Но интересно узнать мнение остальных.
Кто привозил для себя? Как получилось по срокам и не возникло ли проблем на таможне?
efimova-87 писал(а):Опять же слухи )) Рассказывали ребята, которые продают Picaso, будто бы практически нереально ввезти в Россию из за границы даже 1 3D принтер для собственного использования. Говорят, что их отжимают на таможне (типа на продажу, а не для себя) Я не уверена, что это правда. Но интересно узнать мнение остальных.
Кто привозил для себя? Как получилось по срокам и не возникло ли проблем на таможне?
Реклама | ||||
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nik1311 писал(а):Кажется мой вопрос затерялсяhttp://roboforum.ru/forum107/topic12917-255.html#p277736
nik1311 писал(а):Кажется мой вопрос затерялсяhttp://roboforum.ru/forum107/topic12917-255.html#p277736
nophead писал(а):Better to cut the track from the USB connector to the 5V rail.
The problem with Sanguinololu is that both the USB VBUS and the regulator connect to the 5V rail. That is very bad for the regulator and the PC. The regulator will give a much more accurate 5V signal than the USB. The only downside of this mod is you can't talk to the board without the 12V PSU being on, but since it doesn't control the PSU there would be no point.
michael_s писал(а):Не пойму под windows & linux Repetier есть версии 0.90 а под mac 0.56. В версии под мак чем то менее функционально нежели win&lin ? Почему такая разница в версиях не пойму
P.S. думаю уважаемый Setar должен знать ))
yozik0ff писал(а):Куда смотрят модераторы? Мне уже поднадоела скрытая реклама принтеров. И заваулированные слова - покупайте только у нас, за границей вы не купите, если купите то таможня отберет.
setar писал(а):Не, я не в курсе, сейчас вижу Дима (__Dmitry) использует репитерхост на линуксе, может он подскажет.
Version 0.85
Slic3r 0.9.9 included
Store slicer selection with printer settings.
Drag and Drop of stl and g-code files into host.
Preview of G2/G3 in xy plane.
Fixed some viewing errors.
Set DTR to off on connect. Reduces error rate on some boards.
Security question if heaters are on during close.
Check if objects are inside printable area before slicing starts.
Better error correction with Marlin.
Create only as many filament configs as extruders enabled in host.
Added @execute host command to call programs during print.
In parallel top view user and view center are moved to stay on top.
Version 0.84 09-02-2013
Added japanese translation by Hajime Ashida.
Fixed error marking elements outside even if inside.
Improved filament visualization.
Update printer shape when selecting printer over connect button.
Disable slic3r filament settings for non existent extruder.
Layer start is now at the z move starting a new layer.
Highlight line numbers depending on layer number even/odd.
Fixed bug not storing all 3d settings in registry.
Version 0.83 22-01-2013
Slic3r 0.9.8 included
New translation: Latvian from www.ajmotion.lv
Rostock shape (circular)
Searches slic3r also in PATH environment.
Search python/pypy in PATH if not defined.
Show printer name in status bar if connected.
Switch ETA between duration/end time if clicked in status bar.
Fixed some multi-extruder issues.
Recheck port list on every call of printer settings.
Some small bug fixes.
Version 0.82b 26-11-2012
Slic3r 0.9.7 now included
New translation: Czech by Josef Průša
New translation: Russian by Eugenco
Better support for multiple extruder.
Fixed translation issues.
Switch button design selectable.
Version 0.80 11-11-2012
New translation: Spanish by Mecano
New translation: Portugues by Alexandre Dias
New translation: French by contact@labsud.org
New translation: Chinese by T.S.Wang
SD manager now supports directories.
SD manager can create directories (needs Repetier-Firmware 0.80 or higher)
Support for Repetier-Protocol V2.
Ready for Rostock.
Reduced RAM usage.
Show extruder usage in editor.
Jump to layer in editor.
Switch buttons now in blue/light blue for all with color vision defect.
Optional show travel moves.
Toggle between perspective and parallel projection.
In linux the "Save Job" function does not disable all buttons anymore.
Open connection resets Arduino for a clean start.
Emergency kill now also tries to reset the Arduino for faster stop.
Version 0.74 29-09-2012
Slic3r 0.9.3 now included.
Fixed color change of some colors.
Added visualization of Mach3 like g-code.
More flexible coordinate system for e.g. Rostock delta printer.
Mark origin with a dot.
Better object placement, objects now follows mouse exactly.
Select different filament types for each extruder when using Slic3r.
Security question when exiting before print is finished.
M117 on Marlin shows no more garbage.
Homing to X, Y and Z max possible.
Temperatures are now floating point values.
New translation: dutch by M3chTroniC
New translation: italien by Sarah Camerino and Angelo Di Tullio
Version 0.72 08-09-2012
Fixed crash on startup when toolbar size reduced.
Version 0.71 03-09-2012
Made GUI localizable.
Added german language.
Automatic check for updates.
Extended EEPROM Support for Marlin (M206) - code submitted by scuba.
Slic3r 0.9.2 now included.
Many bug fixes.
Version 0.70 11-08-2012
Show marken g-code lines in graphic preview.
Draw different extruders in different colors.
New icons.
Redesigned manual control tab.
New slice tab, where slicing configuration is selected.
Log window status bar redesigned.
Printer status in manual control.
Maximize windows now restores panel positions.
Numeric up/down for speed added.
Numeric up/down for temperatures/extruder.
Support for G28 with endstops at x/y max.
Center object now centers for any dimension.
Functionality customizable (needs data/custom.ini in installation).
.NET check in windows installer.
Fixed some issues with linux version.
Color change if object is outside printbed.
Lightning now definable in 3d visual settings.
After homing the movements over the panel are limited to the entered printer dimensions.
Own user definable scripts for kill/pause pressed.
5 scripts per printer definable.
Version 0.52 17.7.2012
Upgraded to Slic3r 0.8.4
Better check if slicing was successful.
Show active slicer.
Show estimated printing time before print starts.
ETA is now based on computed printing time.
Added disable motors after job option.
Version 0.51 1.6.2012
Upgraded Slic3r to version 0.8.2
Grid has now 1cm spacing as site reference.
Added "Show workdirectory" menu entry to show it in file explorer.
Sounds for job finished/paused/error/@sound command
Added save job function to save a job for local storage on sd card.
Added ctrl+a and delete/backspace shortcut in object placement.
Use cursor keys to rotate graphic.
Better error messages if a sliced file was not found.
Some minor changes.
Fixed graphic bug in layer preview
Version 0.50 22.4.2012
Upgraded Slic3r to version 0.7.2b.
New main window arrangement.
New temperature monitor with average and output view in main window.
Added speed slider for Repetier-Firmware and Marlin.
Backreport of values changed in Repetier-Firmware user interface.
Better graphic card capabilities detection.
Version 0.40 17.03.2012
Upgraded Slic3r to version 0.7.1
Reduced memory usage, allowing larger prints.
Write current printing layer of x layer into log.
G-Code editor now has layer and layer range visual preview.
Auto position of objects.
Copy one or more selected objects x times.
Asks for reload if stl file changed on disk.
Load multiple STL files at once with add STL file.
Automatic start of a job after slicing (selectable).
Version 0.36 25.02.2012
Added EEPROM settings for Marlin (thanks scuba for providing the code)
You can addionally use an external Slic3r version with it's native .ini config
Upgraded Slic3r to 0.7.0
Fixed G92 bug.
Version 0.35 18.02.2012
Added emergency stop
Updated 3d view. Toolbar now contains icons and is on the left.
Start view optimized.
Zoom optimized.
Added top view button.
G-Code selections better readable.
M105 commands can be removed from log.
Updated Slic3r parameter.
You can add an external post slice postprocessor, which is run after each slice.
You can kill a running slice job.
Moving the fan slider doesn't enable it.
Pause window is not modal any more. So you can use manual controls in pause mode!
Baudrate/Ping Pong mode/buffer slows down virtual printer. Use 250000 for max speed.
Multiple selections in object placement. Press strg to toggle right clicked object.
Version 0.34b 23.01.2012
Updated Slic3r to version 0.6.0
Version 0.34 21.12.2012
Some CPUs hat problems with acos(1.000001) craiting wrong graphics. Fixed.
Changed print panel. Extuder control uses now text fields.
Version 0.33 20.12.2012
Printing has its own thread for better print performance.
Added virtual printer for testing purposes.
Autoreduce visual quality if rendering gets slow.
Mark untrusted coordinates in red.
New G-Code Host commands @hide and @show to disable/enable filament visualization.
Removed some graphic errors.
Host crash in eeprom settings on linux removed.
Version 0.32 8.1.2012
Filaments are drawn solid.
Faster 3d drawing algorithms. Now even in virtual hardware useable.
Filament visualization need 45% less data storage.
Select and move objects with right mouse button.
Move viewpoint with middle mouse button.
STL objects outside printable are start pulsing.
Removed several threading error conditions and other minor bugs.
Version 0.31 1.1.2012
Updated Slic3r to version 0.5.7
Autodetect OpenGL capabilities and using the fasted method.
Pause function as button and command in G-Code (@pause Some text)
Log commands in G-Code (@info Text for log line)
New STL-Files are centered on the bed.
Show hot filament during print.
Minor bug fixes.
Version 0.30
Updated Slic3r to version 0.53
Loading STL files with G-button asks what to do - slice or add
Version 0.29
Linux version available.
Mac OS X version available.
Faster and better log panel.
Fixed errors in editor.
Includes Slic3r as default slicer.
Optimized menu tree.
Version 0.28 15.11.2011
Added SD-card support.
New editor with syntax highlighting and code explaination.
Automatic code preview update.
Variable filament width for preview.
Nicer GUI
Default extruder and heated bed temperatures.
Windows sizes and positions are stored.
Better 3d control.
File history.
Minor bug fixes
Version 0.26 2.10.2011
Added G161/G162 support
Added filename in title
Version 0.25 30.9.2011
Fixed bug with fan slider
Fixed analycer related bug, disabling temp. on job start
Fixed spellings and gui.
Added Z-min for dump area
Version 0.24 28.9.2011
Fixed black 3d screen for high printer dimensions.
Version 0.23 27.9.2011
Fixed bug with filament drawing in Skainforge relative mode
Version 0.22 24.9.2011
Added test case generator.
Improved configuration handling.
Version 0.20a 9.9.2011
Improved G-Code preview.
Version 0.20 7.9.2011
First public version.
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