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http://www.sparkfun.com ARM tutorial - Jim Lynch's tutorial for setting up the free GCC/GNU tool chain. The example software is available here.
Bluetooth - We've have the Blue SMiRF, the Extended Blue SMiRF, and the DIP module. We've also have the WiTilt and the 6DOF, each of which have a Blue Tooth module on them.
GPS Overview - General background information and descriptions of the modules we carry.
Surface Mount Soldering Tutorials -
The SMD How To:
Page 1 - Recommended Tools
Page 2 - Basic SMD Soldering
Page 3 - Rework with just a soldering iron
Page 4 - Hot-air rework
Page 5 - Green wire fixes
Page 6 - Advanced hot-air techniques
Solder Paste Stenciling - How to apply solder paste with a $35 stencil.
Reflow Skillet - Reflowing trickier PCBs with a $30 hot plate!
Reflow Toaster - Attempting to reflow PCBs with a toaster oven.
Open Circuits -
Open Circuits Homepage - Open Circuits is a wiki for sharing electronics knowledge, schematics, board layouts, and parts libraries. This is where SFE posts their footprints, board layouts, schematics, and breaks down projects in a friendly, open source mindset. We're here to teach! And to learn...
PIC Boot Loader -
Bloader and Screamer - New version v1.6! Thanks Mike K! Support for 16F877A, 16F876A, 16F873A, 16F88.
Bloader and Screamer 877A - (Outdated but good info) An in-depth tutorial on our in-house boot loader and accompanying Windows program. Find out how to build your own!
Bloader for the 16F88 - (Outdated but good info) A short and sweet tutorial to setup the P18 dev board using the PIC 16F88.
PIC Programmer Setup Tutorials -
Programmer and Board Test Program - Blink! As well as some other helpful test routines.
PG1B - The PG1 and PG2C are the same functional device, only the PG2C has a socket built in. Please refer to the PG2C documentation - it works just fine for the PG1. Also, see 'Basic PIC Tutorial' located below.
PG2C ICProg tutorial - Get the PG2C setup and burning with this very popular socketed programmer.
Breadboard programming with ICSP - A tutorial using the PIC-PG2C programmer, an ICSP cable, a polarized header, and a breadboard.
PG3B ICProg tutorial - Updated! Now using the ever popular ICProg. All you need to know to get our popular parallel programmer up and burning!
PG3B WinPicProg tutorial - The original tutorial using WinPicProg. Saved for educational purposes.
Setting up the MCP under MPLAB - Not as bad as you think!
Setting up the In Circuit Debugger under MPLAB - Just as bad as you think! (Not really)
General PIC Tutorials -
The Biggie - A lengthy tutorial that covers:
How to get the MAX232 IC working on many Olimex Development boards
How to get the UART hardware module (TX/RX) working on a PIC 16F628
How to use nice printf("Hello!", 0); routines for debugging
How to talk to an I2C EEProm
How to control a standard servo using the computer's keyboard through hyperterminal
Courtesy of Joyner Network Solutions
The Serial Biggie - 'Nuther long tutorial running the gauntlet of good MPLAB and Serial Communications info. This is all about implementing RS232 timing in software.
Intro and the basic idea behind RS232 timing
How to setup a project under MPLAB v6.4
All about the Stopwatch and Debug functions
Using the Stopwatch to tailor delays used in RS232 timing
Straight through hardware connections (No MAX232!) and HyperTerminal setup
What is this place? - A few common answer to a few common questions about uCs and this site.
Basic breadboard tutorial using the PIC-PG1B programmer - An amazing low-cost programmer that impressed us the first time we used it! A great tutorial to get your first PIC project blinking.
Set up your space! - Have you got the LED blinking? Time to get coding! A tutorial on setting up a free code editor with a free C compiler. Very quick, very easy to use
Serial IO - Our own spin on serial communication. Serial out is a must have feature for debugging. What the heck is the value of that variable? Just pipe it out through 'serial_out' and find out in Windows' HyperTerminal. Outdated - See 'The Serial Biggie' above for newest information.
MCP Upgrade tutorial - Getting errors under MPLAB? You may need to upgrade the firmware on your MCP. Use this step-by-step tutorial to upgrade to the newest release from Olimex.
Mini-ICSP Updates - Have you noticed the itty bitty white rectangles on some of the Spark Fun designed boards? These are a miniature version of the ICSP connection. This tutorial will show you how to use a special adapter to re-program boards with this type header.
More Projects -
Ethernet to Color LED Matrix - Controlling a color LED matrix from anywhere in the world using a simple java script interface
Maker Faire 2006 - Pictures from the wildly popular fair of hacks and toys.
Roomba Remote Tilt Controller - How to hack a Roomba, a WiTilt, and the Federal Trade Commission. Ok, maybe not the Federal Trade Commission.
12ft GPS Wall Clock - A fun project using LED light bars, a PIC for control, 7-segment driving, playing with 2Amps, and some assorted other fun tricks.
How Far Does It Go? - A range comparison of Spark Fun RF products. Which is for you? This will help you decide.
Bluetooth Primer - Implementing a Bluetooth serial link is easier than you think, and we spell it out for you!
High Voltage Ringer - How do you make the classic bell ringer work off 3.8VDC? The magic of a DC/DC converter!
Port-O-Rotary - We take an old rotary phone, dissect it, and cross-pollinate it with a cellular module.
Robot Building! - A simplistic approach to getting a two-wheel robot to move across the floor. Oh, and chasing my cat.
Pseudo-Datasheet for the Serial ADXL - Not a real datasheet, but everything you need to know for implementing the Serial ADXL PCB into your project. Includes the PCB layout, firmware, and discussions on sensor sensitivity.
Overclocking a PIC - How fast can you push it? We actually don't know. But 32MHz is where we stopped for the moment...
Crazy Soldering - Ever wonder how to solder that surface mount package? We can show you how - with lots of pictures! LCC soldering not recommended for the faint of heart.
Foamware - Besides liking that word, we really enjoy flying our gliders. We decided to use the new ADXL sensors we put together in connection with a wireless transmitter. Foamware is what came out.
=DeaD= писал(а):2avr123: В чем редактировали свою страницу? По ходу вы себе как-то их CSS подцепили
=DeaD= писал(а):а они просто говорят что кто-то нехороший в своих страницах напрямую использует их ресурсы воруя их ширину исходящего канала (we steal bandwidth from SparkFun).
galex1981 писал(а):Неужели они все таки взвломали narod.ru ?
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