http://www.designercircuits.com/DesignNote1a.pdfThe equations in the Microchip
Application Note AN954 (revision A),
Transformerless Power Supplies:
Resistive and Capacitive have numerous
errors and the reader is encouraged to use
the corrected equations contained herein
instead, and to verify designs through
simulation as well
Добавлено спустя 13 минут 31 секунду:The above equation supersedes “Equation 1”
in Microchip’s AN954A. Their application
note is incorrect not once, but twice in the
very first equation. The average voltage
should be used (as in 0.637*Vpeak) instead of
RMS voltage. Also, their method to sum the
impedances ignores that R and C
impedances are orthogonal to each other,
which requires use of the Pythagorean
Мой волшебник это я сам. Всю архитектуру программы придумал лично, а ребята помогли воплотить её. Я бы и сам мог написать, но лень учить язык и его конструкции.