Подскажите пожалуйста как организовать считывание PPM с приемника от радиоуправления, достаточно 2х каналов, на прерываниях или еще какие нибудь варианты, на Атмега168.
PulseIn не предлагать, слишком медленно работает.
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roboforum.ruТехнический форум по робототехнике. |
int injPin = 3; //Pin connected to injector's ground wire
volatile unsigned long injTime; // When accessing this in setup or loop (or anything called by either) interrupts must be disabled
void setup()
pinMode(injPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite (injPin, HIGH); //Pull-up pin - as our injector is driven by connecting it to ground, i suppose i need to pull-up pin to get it's value as 1 when injector is turned off
attachInterrupt(1, pik, CHANGE); //interrupt on front changing
void loop()
delay (50);
void pik()
unsigned long injTime1; //Time of front raising
unsigned long injTime2; //Time of front falling
if ( digitalRead( injPin ) == LOW ) //Or i need to digitalRead it first? YES.
injTime1 = micros(); //get time of pulse going down
injTime2 = micros(); //get time of pulse going up
injTime = injTime2 - injTime1; //measure time between down and up
wallera писал(а):Вопрос для меня тож интересный есть два передатчка один как раз с PPM E_SKY
4 канальный , вот нагуглил http://arduino.cc/playground/Code/ReadReceiver
NeON79 писал(а):http://www.nest.org.ru/2011/12/17/ardiuno-%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0-ppmint/#more-4247
ТО, что нагуглилось навскидку. Дайте знать, что из всего предложенного наиболее "оно". Спасибо.
In file included from D:\arduino-0021\libraries\PPMint\PPMint.cpp:7:
D:\arduino-0021\libraries\PPMint/PPMint.h:10:21: error: Arduino.h: No such file or directory
In file included from D:\arduino-0021\libraries\PPMint\PPMint.cpp:7:
D:\arduino-0021\libraries\PPMint/PPMint.h:24: error: 'uint8_t' does not name a type
D:\arduino-0021\libraries\PPMint/PPMint.h:25: error: 'uint8_t' does not name a type
D:\arduino-0021\libraries\PPMint/PPMint.h:27: error: 'boolean' does not name a type
D:\arduino-0021\libraries\PPMint\PPMint.cpp: In member function 'void PPMint::setup()':
PPMint:19: error: 'prevRealRaw' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:20: error: 'currentChannel' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:22: error: 'sync' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:24: error: 'INPUT' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:24: error: 'pinMode' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:26: error: 'RISING' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:26: error: 'attachInterrupt' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:28: error: 'delay' was not declared in this scope
D:\arduino-0021\libraries\PPMint\PPMint.cpp: In member function 'void PPMint::PPMinterrupt()':
PPMint:34: error: 'micros' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:38: error: 'sync' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:39: error: 'currentChannel' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:42: error: 'sync' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:44: error: 'currentChannel' was not declared in this scope
PPMint:46: error: 'currentChannel' was not declared in this scope
//initial value
initialsignal = pulseIn(channelpin, HIGH);
if(ms>2200) // fix time bug
ms=tmp; // fix time bug
tmp=ms; // fix time bug
// PPM read from receiver, D3, 1 ch, <frwind>
int Pin = 3; //PPM in for INT1
volatile unsigned long lt, ct, ms,tmp;
void setup(){
pinMode(Pin, INPUT);
digitalWrite (Pin, HIGH); //Pull-up pin
attachInterrupt(1, ppm, CHANGE); //PPM read interrupt
void loop(){
Serial.println(ms); // ms = PPM ms
void ppm() { // PPM read interrupt
ct = micros(); // read current time
ms=ct-lt; // ms = current time - last time
lt=ct; // last time
if(ms>2200) // fix time bug
ms=tmp; // fix time bug
tmp=ms; // fix time bug
// PPM read from receiver
int rul = 3; //PPM in for INT1
int gaz = 2; //PPM in for INT2
int gabar_stop1 = 9;
int gabar_stop2 = 10;
int left1 = 14;
int left2 = 15;
int right1 = 16;
int right2 = 17;
int fara1 = 5;
int fara2 = 6;
int fara3 = 7;
int fara4 = 8;
int zx = 12 ; // задний ход
volatile unsigned long lt, ct, ms_rul,tmp, lt1, ct1, ms_gaz,tmp1, maxgaz, mingaz, maxrul, minrul,mig,far ;
volatile unsigned long zad, zad1 ;
void setup(){
pinMode(rul, INPUT);
pinMode(gaz, INPUT);
pinMode (gabar_stop1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (gabar_stop2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (zx, OUTPUT);
pinMode (fara1, OUTPUT );
pinMode (fara2, OUTPUT );
pinMode (fara3, OUTPUT );
pinMode (fara4, OUTPUT );
pinMode (left1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (left2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (right1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (right2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite (gabar_stop1, LOW);
digitalWrite (gabar_stop2, LOW);
digitalWrite (zx, LOW);
digitalWrite (left1, LOW);
digitalWrite (left2, LOW);
digitalWrite (right1, LOW);
digitalWrite (right2, LOW);
digitalWrite (rul, HIGH); //Pull-up pin
digitalWrite (gaz, HIGH); //Pull-up pin
attachInterrupt(0, rul_ppm, CHANGE); //PPM read interrupt
attachInterrupt(1, gaz_ppm, CHANGE);
maxgaz=1500; // переменная включения фар;
mingaz=1400; // переменная включения стопов;
maxrul=1500; // переменная включения правого поворота;
minrul=1450; // переменная включения левого поворота ;
mig=0; // переменная для мигания поворотами;
far=0; // переменная для плавного зажигания средних фар;
void loop()
// Serial.println(ms_gaz); // ms = PPM ms
// Serial.println(ms_rul);
if (ms_gaz < mingaz && zad==0) //включение стопов
{ analogWrite(gabar_stop1, 255 );
analogWrite(gabar_stop2, 255 );
{ analogWrite(gabar_stop1, 10);
analogWrite(gabar_stop2, 10 );
// включение заднего хода
if ( zad>=2) {digitalWrite (zx, HIGH);
digitalWrite (zx, LOW);
//включение фар
if (ms_gaz > maxgaz)
{analogWrite (fara1, far);
analogWrite (fara2, far);
if (far < 255) far++;
analogWrite (fara1, 2);
analogWrite (fara2, 2);
// мигание поворотами
if (mig>=110) mig=0;
if (ms_rul< minrul ) {mig++; digitalWrite (left1, HIGH); }
else { digitalWrite (left1, LOW);}
if (ms_rul< minrul && mig >= 50) {digitalWrite (left1, LOW);}
if (ms_rul> maxrul ) {mig++; digitalWrite (right1, HIGH); }//
else { digitalWrite (right1, LOW);}
if (ms_rul> maxrul && mig >= 50) {digitalWrite (right1, LOW);}
void gaz_ppm() { // PPM read interrupt
ct = micros(); // read current time
ms_gaz=ct-lt; // ms = current time - last time
lt=ct; // last time
if(ms_gaz>2200) // fix time bug
ms_gaz=tmp; // fix time bug
tmp=ms_gaz; // fix time bug
void rul_ppm() { // PPM read interrupt
ct1 = micros(); // read current time
ms_rul=ct1-lt1; // ms = current time - last time
lt1=ct1; // last time
if(ms_rul>2200) // fix time bug
ms_rul=tmp1; // fix time bug
tmp1=ms_rul; // fix time bug
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