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Вакансии в Китае, машинное зрение, С++

Предложение о работе и сотрудничестве на коммерческой основе

Вакансии в Китае, машинное зрение, С++

Сообщение polina_ym » 27 ноя 2017, 09:52

Китайская компания ULSee, занимающаяся компьютерным зрением, ищет сотрудников с опытом работы на 4 вакансии в офис в городе Ханчжоу (Китай).
Заработная плата обсуждается индивидуально
Официальная рабочая виза
Знание китайского не требуется, но нужен хороший разговорный английский (работа в англоязычном коллективе)
Резюме на английском языке отправлять сюда:
в теме письма укажите, пожалуйста, интересующую вакансию и желаемую ЗП
*Для студентов старших курсов и выпускников без опыта возможна оплачиваемая стажировка с последующим трудоустройством.

Computer Vision Algorithm Engineer
We're looking for computer vision engineers with demonstrable experience in algorithm development and productization of in-the-wild computer vision solutions.

Established experience with real-time vision algorithms development methods, environments and applications. Advantage: C++11, Boost, OpenCV, OpenMP.
Working knowledge of at least one the following fields (not limited to): face and object detection/tracking/recognition/segmentation, action recognition, and person re-indemnification. Deep learning (RNN/CNN) skill is essential.
Experience with collaborative coding, source control techniques and software project management.
Advantage: Git.

Advanced 3D Engineer
As a 3D Engineer you will work on a small development team focused primarily on the development of new applications based on our computer vision technologies, e.g. 3D avatars animation, AR, 3D Virtual Try-On etc on different platforms (PC, Web and Mobile). You will get exposure to problems in graphics, computational geometry, computer vision and machine learning. You must be a fast learner, capable of hacking together prototype solutions using any frameworks, algorithms, papers, etc.

2+ years of relevant industry experience preferred
Excellent general software engineering skills
Proficiency in C++
Ability to work with various 3D libraries (OpenGL, OpenGLES, CGAL, PCL, etc.)
Capable of implementing advanced graphics/ computational geometry research papers
Ability to quickly prototype and test solutions using any available tool and/or algorithm

Bonus Skills:
Blender, Python (or Unity3D) scripting experience
Facial (body) motion capture experience
UI/UX inclination
Computer vision experience

Senior C++ Software Engineer
As a C++ Software Engineer at ULSee, you will mainly focus on productization of in-the-wild computer vision solutions, including definition, development, optimization, integration, test, documentation, and support of C++ software across multiple OS platforms. You will get exposure to problems in integrating pattern recognition solutions and designing high performance low latency system with multiple video streams.

Rich experience in OOP, C++, and data structures
Rich experience in memory management, performance optimizations, parallel programming, CUDA skill is a plus
Basic knowledge in computer vision/pattern recognition/image processing
Experience in at least one scripting language (Python/Matlab)
Proficiency in developing application-level software to implement features and functions at a product and system level

2D/3D Image Processing Algorithm Engineer
As image processing algorithm engineer you will focus on developing cutting-edge algorithms for 2D/3D image processing for real-world scenarios where the image exhibit various practical challenges such as low resolution, low lighting, heavy compression.
Working knowledge of at least one the following fields (not limited to):
A) 2D image processing: image/video restoration; image/video enhancement, e.g. denoising, dehazing/defogging, inpainting, deblurring, super-resolution, video stabilization; optical flow; stereo matching; mobile phone dual camera related applications, such as stereo low-light shot, stereo super-resolution, and bokeh & image effects etc; image/video coding technology.
B) 3D depth image processing: cloud points denoising, depth image inpainting, 3D reconstruction, object recognition, 3D face reconstruction/recognition, facial motion capture and animation.
Good knowledge in state-of-the-art algorithms and deep learning (CNN), mathematics (coordinate geometry, linear algebra, and optimization).
Established experience in PCL/VCGLIB/OpenCV for image processing.
Programming skills in at least one of the following: C/C++, Python, Matlab in different OS.
Experience with collaborative coding, source control techniques and software project management such as git.
Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 27 ноя 2017, 09:45

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