Называется STM3210E-Primer, стоит 2500 рублей
Выглядит счастье вот так:
Вот описалово. Почему-то не упомянуто что в нем еще и акселерометр есть, мини-юсб разъемчик, все такое.
* STM32F103E (512 Kbytes Flash)
* Li-Ion battery with smart loading control for improved current management, battery autonomy (more than 6 hours), charging time and battery lifespan
* New interface possibilities:
o 128x160 pixel touch screen TFT display
o Codec-based audio record and playback with headset connector and integrated microphone
o 4-direction joystick and push button
o 4 additional push buttons based on touchscreen capability
* New evaluation features:
o Micro SD card connector
o IrDA transceiver
o 20-pin add-on connector for access to SPI, I2C, USART, CAN and analog/digital I/Os