Ну с учётом того что пока для esp всё корявое, и документацию на чип публиковать не собираются можно и переплатить. (вопрос с ценой пока пропускаем)
Тут стоит учесть что есть разные задачи, мне не нужно работать год от одной батарейки, нужен просто нормальный wifi
А хороший контроллер впридачу совсем не помешает.
подвох есть, с эдисоном тоже не всё так гладко
1. Edison asks for an power supply in range of 3.1-4.5V – the closest we use is a 3.3V, 5V is going to kill Edison
2. All I/Os are rated 1.8V, well that is good in general, but Makers just got used to 3.3V, level shifter … puuuh
3. To get console access you do need an USB/FTDI connection but the tiny 70 pin connector is not at all Maker friendly
4. To get access to the I/O pins – again these pins are on the tiny 70 pin connector
5. Dokumentation is … (needs some improvement!!!!), but we do like to hack into things to understand them
![Wink ;-)](http://roboforum.ru/images/smilies/wink.gif)
6. Features not completed by time of shipment (e.g. BLE – old BlueZ, no gatttool, …) – no release notes or roadmap …
7. 200mA min. and up to 600mA spikes is much but you do get a lot power! specially not for wearables
![Wink ;-)](http://roboforum.ru/images/smilies/wink.gif)
8. no analog inputs (compared to Arduinos), needs always and ADC e.g. connected via SPI extension
9. my not Wheezy (Umbunto) people are used to? … new tools, cross-comilaton, lot of hassle…
10. multiplex I/Os, analog via SPI … IO pin translation matrix … where is my A0 or D5 in Edison? … could be easy
11. bash shell is missing ;-(
12. default partitions are not well balanced – quickly reaching “disk full” …
к тому же все io находятся на мелком 70 пиновом коннекторе,
самое малое что нашёл
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13025но и с ним
Note: The mini-breakout board (m-bb) does not have analog pins like the Arduino Edison board (AEb). If you wish to use analog pins on the m-bb, you’ll have to design your own circuit. (The add-on ADC/Arduino Sparkfun boards won’t fit with the m-bb). I wish this was specifically noted in the description.