а если менять задержку Waitms 750 на 250 (150) тормоза исчезают но 1 из 4 температурников пропадает .
Как я понял всё это как раз из за этой задержки так вот как побороть тормоза секунд и проблему с датчиком.
- Код: Выделить всё
1wwrite &HCC
1wwrite &H44
Waitms 750
Call Gettime
Text = Bcd(h) + ":" + Bcd(m) + ":" + Bcd(s)
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd Text
1wverify Dsid1(1)
1wwrite &HBE
Sc(1) = 1wread(9)
If Sc(9) = Crc8(sc(1) , 8) Then
If Dsid1(1) = 16 Then
Dg = Decigrades(sc(9))
End If
If Dsid1(1) = 40 Then
Dg = Decigrades2(sc(9))
End If
Ss = Str(dg)
Ss = Format(ss , " 0.0")
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "1 - " ; Ss ; Chr(0) ;
End If
1wverify Dsid2(1)
1wwrite &HBE
Sc(1) = 1wread(9)
If Sc(9) = Crc8(sc(1) , 8) Then
If Dsid2(1) = 16 Then
Dg = Decigrades(sc(9))
End If
If Dsid2(1) = 40 Then
Dg = Decigrades2(sc(9))
End If
Ss = Str(dg)
Ss = Format(ss , " 0.0")
Locate 2 , 12
Lcd "2 - " ; Ss ; Chr(0) ;
End If
1wverify Dsid3(1)
1wwrite &HBE
Sc(1) = 1wread(9)
If Sc(9) = Crc8(sc(1) , 8) Then
If Dsid3(1) = 16 Then
Dg = Decigrades(sc(9))
End If
If Dsid3(1) = 40 Then
Dg = Decigrades2(sc(9))
End If
Ss = Str(dg)
Ss = Format(ss , " 0.0")
Locate 3 , 1
Lcd "3 - " ; Ss ; Chr(0) ;
End If
1wverify Dsid4(1)
1wwrite &HBE
Sc(1) = 1wread(9)
If Sc(9) = Crc8(sc(1) , 8) Then
If Dsid4(1) = 16 Then
Dg = Decigrades(sc(9))
End If
If Dsid4(1) = 40 Then
Dg = Decigrades2(sc(9))
End If
Ss = Str(dg)
Ss = Format(ss , " 0.0")
Locate 3 , 12
Lcd "4 - " ; Ss ; Chr(0) ;
End If
'get time
Sub Gettime
Dim Dum As Byte
I2cstart 'generate start
I2cwbyte 160 'write addres of PCF8583
I2cwbyte 2 'select second register
I2cstart 'generate repeated start
I2cwbyte 161 'write address for reading info
I2crbyte S , Ack 'read seconds
I2crbyte M , Ack 'read minuts
I2crbyte H , Ack 'read hours
I2crbyte Yd , Ack 'read year and days
I2crbyte Wm , Nack 'read weekday and month
I2cstop 'generate stop
End Sub
Sub Settime(s As Byte , M As Byte , H As Byte , D As Byte , Month As Byte)
'values are stored as BCD values so convert the values first
S = Makebcd(s) 'seconds
M = Makebcd(m) 'minuts
H = Makebcd(h) 'hours
D = Makebcd(d) 'days
Month = Makebcd(month) 'months
I2cstart 'generate start
I2cwbyte 160 'write address
I2cwbyte 0 'select control register
I2cwbyte 8 'set year and day bit for masking
I2cstop 'generate stop
I2cstart 'generate start
I2cwbyte 160 'write mode
I2cwbyte 2 'select seconds Register
I2cwbyte S 'write seconds
I2cwbyte M 'write minuts
I2cwbyte H 'write hours
I2cwbyte D 'write days
I2cwbyte Month 'write months
End Sub
Function Decigrades2(byval Sc(9) As Byte)
Decigrades2 = 0
Decigrades2 = Makeint(sc(1) , Sc(2))
Decigrades2 = Decigrades2 * 10
Decigrades2 = Decigrades2 / 16
End Function
Function Decigrades(byval Sc(9) As Byte)
Dim Tmp As Byte , T As Integer , T1 As Integer
Tmp = Sc(1) And 1 ' 0.1C precision
If Tmp = 1 Then Decr Sc(1)
T = Makeint(sc(1) , Sc(2))
'Print Hex(t)
'Print T
T = T * 50 'here we calculate the 1/10 precision like
T = T - 25 'DS18S20 data sheet
T1 = Sc(8) - Sc(7)
T1 = T1 * 100
T1 = T1 / Sc(8)
T = T + T1
Decigrades = T / 10
'As integer, this routine gives T*10, with 1/10 degree precision
End Function