SourceBoost IDE is a modern development environment to develop code for Microchip(PIC) and Scenix(SX) processors.
It includes
C, C++ and Pascal
compilers (including the next generation C compiler BoostC) and supports other tools like MPASM (from Microchip) and Picc Lite C compiler (from HI-Tech).
SourceBoost IDE works under MS Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
project support;
syntax coloring, autocomplete, value hover, function prototype tooltips etc.;
built-in debugger;
clock accurate simulator for PIC16 and PIC18 targets;
plugin system;
assembler code optimization (code size may be reduced by 1/3);
optimization options;
built-in profiler;
support of different compilers;
symbol browser;
project wizard.
SourceBoost installation includes the SourceBoost IDE and compilers BoostC, C2C-plus, C2C++ and P2C-plus.
Extra plugins are available in a separate installation. SourceBoost IDE, compilers and extra plugins need a license (or activation) key that removes all limitations of their unregistred copies. (You don't need a license if you work with SourceBoost IDE and PicC Lite or Assembler toolsuite.) In order to get such license key SourceBoost IDE, compilers or extra plugins need to be registered by paying a license fee.
Download the SourceBoost IDE 6.35 (includes BoostC, BoostBasic, C2C-plus, C2C++ and P2C-plus compilers)
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