
Build Your Own Combat Robot
Pete Miles
Tom Carroll
New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City
Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto
1 Welcome to Competition Robots 1
2 Getting Started 21
3 Robot Locomotion 41
4 Motor Selection and Performance 61
5 It?s All About Power 79
6 Power Transmission: Getting Power to Your Wheels 103
7 Controlling Your Motors 127
8 Remotely Controlling Your Robot 157
9 Robot Material and Construction Techniques 183
10 Weapons Systems for Your Robot 203
11 Autonomous Robots 239
12 Robot Brains 259
13 Robot Sumo 275
14 Real-Life Robots: Lessons from Veteran Builders 305
15 Afterword 329
A Prototyping Electronics 335
B Resources and References 343
C Helpful Formulas 355
Index 358
http://www.konfa.de/robots/Build_Your_Own_Combat_Robot.pdf 7,7 Mb