Reader писал(а):
// A single Z stepper driver is usually used to drive 2 stepper motors.
// Uncomment this define to utilize a separate stepper driver for each Z axis motor.
// Only a few motherboards support this, like RAMPS, which have dual extruder support (the 2nd, often unused, extruder driver is used
// to control the 2nd Z axis stepper motor). The pins are currently only defined for a RAMPS motherboards.
// On a RAMPS (or other 5 driver) motherboard, using this feature will limit you to using 1 extruder.
как понимаю, подпилить еще pins.h под вашу плату,447012Цитата:
#define Z_MIN_PIN 33
#define Z_MAX_PIN 32
//to use Z_DUAL_STEPPER_DRIVER in Marlin
#define Z2_STEP_PIN 29
#define Z2_DIR_PIN 28
#define Z2_ENABLE_PIN 39